Alter Your Story

Change Your Path

Are you interested in discovering more about: Altering Your Story, Changing Your Path?

To ensure this is the right course for you, why not initially join me in a complimentary 'Go Forward in 40' session and we will discuss how you could move forward?

Select a time by clicking the green button.

Are you inspired to invest in a journey of discovery and change? Where you will EXPLORE where you are now and discuss your emotional well-being, internal drivers, motivations and values.

From here, you will be able to ENHANCE your understanding of yourself and the world around you and the opportunities revealed to make positive changes based on well planned and achievable goals.

As you enhance your understanding and perceptions, you will LEARN how this will help you build or improve confidence and achieve your goals.

You will REALISE these achievements and embed those changes YOU have chosen to make and help you moving forward and appreciating the new self- perspectives, values and opportunities for, Creativity, Innovation, and fulfilment of life goals.

We will VALIDATE, consolidate and celebrate your achievements in a return complimentary session at a time of your choosing. 

Book a complimentary session with me using the green button and we will design the interventions around you.

Session 1


Explore your current situation. Emotional wellbeing, personal confidence,  work and  life experience. Enhance your understanding of your existing values this will be facilitated by asking “powerful questions.“ Asking the right questions is always more important than knowing the right answers that we believe need to always be found. What is perceived to be the “right answers’’ can block creativity, innovation and changing perspectives. These techniques are used in creative problem solving to release innovative solutions. Through this process, you will learn to continue to ask yourself powerful questions to help you change perception and perspective.

Session 2


Enhance your understanding of change and the benefit to you and your family and friends the  long and short term gain and impact on your current story and reality.

As you learn to question, you will build on your ‘ownership’ of the process of change and begin to remove barriers and perceptions that block change and, therefore, progress to moving  forward. You are raising awareness, changing mindset and allowing growth and forceful breakthrough.

Session 3


Learn how to build confidence and overcome perceptions that may have been limiting you and use approaches and techniques that will help you reach your goals at a comfortable pace, your confidence will grow, and you will feel more capable of changing behaviours and developing new behaviours allowing continuing management of assumptions, perceptions and limiting beliefs by this stage you will be taking control of the changes emerging for you.

Session 4


Realising the progressive nature of  your journey will emerge as we move toward the end of our sessions.

We will be embedding changes and celebrating new perspectives, new motivations and overall future-forward planning, being creative, Innovative and taking advantage of new emerging opportunities.

Session 5


Validate – A complimentary follow-up session to review progress and provide further support and validation of the ‘change ‘ journey undertaken and the new perspectives revealed.

Are you ready to join my Alter Your Story, Change Your Path course? This is your time with me 1 to 1 during our 5 x 90 minute  sessions (4  weekly sessions + 1 Bonus session).

We will design the course to suit your reasons for joining.

Book your pre-lude appointment to sort out the details now and let's arrange a start date.

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